Frequently Asked Question

Cannot install license, error message: Unable to acquire administrative rights. To resolve this issue, try starting SoliView using "Run as Administrator".
Last Updated 2 years ago

The easiest solution is to install the eXLerate license from the account that has administrative privileges.

In case only a non-administrative account is accessible, the license manager must be started with "Run as Administrator" - go to C:\Program Files (x86)\eXLerate 2016\Common, right-click xlSoliView.exe, select "Run as administrator". Administrator credentials will still be required.

If the same error message appears even with "Run as administrator", then one of following problems might need to be resolved:
* Administrative rights cannot be acquired because system settings are damaged. To fix this, run the command "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" from the elevated command prompt.
* Administrative rights cannot be acquired because User Access Control (UAC) is disabled. To fix this, enable UAC via the Control Panel (open Start Menu, type UAC) and reboot.

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